Ilche Georgievski
@ work: ilche.georgievski (at) iaas (dot) uni-stuttgart (dot) de
@ private: georgievski (at) protonmail (dot) com
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I’m a researcher at the University of Stuttgart and an IEEE Senior Member. I’m a member of Service Computing, a fantastic department at the forefront of research on intelligent, adaptive, and distributed service-oriented systems. I study the art and science of AI planning systems and applications.
I completed my habilitation on engineering AI planning systems at the University of Stuttgart in Germany in 2025. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands in 2015. After that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the same university until 2017. Between 2017 and 2018, I was a CTO at Sustainable Buildings.
I grew up in Bitola, Macedonia, and studied Computer and Information Science at the University of Maribor in Slovenia.
[02/25] I successfully completed my habilitation. More info soon.
[02/25] DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models @ICRA 2025
[12/24] Occupant Activity Recognition in IoT-Enabled Buildings: A Temporal HTN Planning Approach @ICAART 2025
[11/24] I am chairing the Robotics and UAVs vertical @IEEE CAI 2025. Submissions are welcome.
[10/24] DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models @LEAP.
[09/24] Compositio Prompto: An Architecture to Employ Large Language Models in Automated Service Computing @ICSOC.
[05/24] SH: Service-Oriented System for HTN Planning in Real-World Domains @SoftwareX.
[04/24] Towards a Framework for Learning Algorithms: The Case of Learned Comparison Sorting @IJCAI.
[10/23] Uncovering LLMs for Service-Composition: Challenges and Opportunities @ICSOC AI-PA.
[07/23] Automating a Telepresence Robot for Human Detection, Tracking, and Following @TAROS.
[07/23] Best paper award for Ebaa @SummerSOC.
[06/23] I was a visiting researcher at the Software and Societal Systems Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
[06/23] AI Temporal Planning for Energy Smart Buildings @Energy Informatics.
[06/23] PlanX: A Toolbox for Building and Integrating AI Planning Systems @IEEE SOSE 2023.
[05/23] Software Development Life Cycle for Engineering AI Planning Systems @ICSOFT 2023.
[05/23] Service Composition in the ChatGPT Era (Editorial) @SOCA.
[05/23] The Potential of AI Planning on the Edge @IEEE EDGE 2023.
[05/23] Understanding Real-World AI Planning Domains: A Conceptual Framework @SummerSOC 2023.
[04/23] Human-Flow-Aware Long-Term Mobile Robot Task Planning Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning @IEEE RAL.
[03/23] Conceptualising Software Development Lifecycle for Engineering AI Planning Systems @IEEE CAIN 2023.
[10/22] Towards Engineering AI Planning Functionalities as Services @WESOACS 2022.